IP NĂ€tverk - AS8422 |
Adressintervall: |
AS8422 |
NĂ€tverksnamn: |
evenemang: |
registreringsenast Àndrat |
Klassnamn: |
autnum |
AnmÀrkningar: |
Ej definierad: |
Internet Serviceprovider in Cologne / Germany import from upstreams import from customers import from private peers import from DE-CIX peers import from LINX peers import from ECIX DUS peers import from ECIX FFM peers import from AMS-IX peers export to upstreams export to customers export to private peers export to DE-CIX peers export to LINX peers export to ECIX DUS peers export to ECIX FFM peers export to AMS-IX peers ----------------------------------------------------- Contact for peering requests is: peering@netcologne.de Contact for criminal use and spam reports is: abuse@netcologne.de Engineering Communities NetCologne customers are allowed to use a set of predefined communities to influence the announcement of their prefixes at specific IXes. 8422:10xxy public peerings 8422:15xxy private peerings 8422:19xxy upstreams where xx defines where and y defines what to do. 8422:1000y all public peerings 8422:1001y DE-CIX 8422:1002y AMS-IX 8422:1003y LINX 8422:1006y ECIX DUS 8422:1009y ECIX FFM 8422:1500y all private peerings 8422:1508y AS20773 (Host Europe) 8422:1509y AS15169 (Google) 8422:1511y AS20676 (QSC) 8422:1900y all upstreams 8422:1901y AS3356 (Colt) 8422:1902y AS1299 (Arelion) 8422:1905y AS174 (Cogent) 8422:1906y AS9002 (RETN) y = 0 announce without any prepends y = 1 prepend 1 x AS8422 y = 2 prepend 2 x AS8422 y = 3 prepend 3 x AS8422 y = 9 do not announce More specific communities will override less specific communities; e.g. setting 8422:10009 8422:10010 means do not announce at any public peering except DE-CIX. In case of any question regarding this functionality please contact peering@netcologne.de. |
LÀgger mÀrke till: |
Filtrerades: |
This output has been filtered.
Whois felaktighetsrapportering: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: https://www.ripe.net/contact-form?topic=ripe_dbm&show_form=true ( Felaktighetsrapport ) |
KĂ€lla: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: Objects returned came from source RIPE
Villkor: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: Objects returned came from source RIPE This is the RIPE Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format. http://www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf ( AnvÀndarvillkor ) |
Status: |
Aktiv |
LĂ€nkar: |
https://rdap.db.ripe.net/autnum/8422 ( SjÀlv )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
Whois Server: |
whois.ripe.net |
ĂverensstĂ€mmelse: | nro_rdap_profile_asn_flat_0, cidr0, rdap_level_0, nro_rdap_profile_0, redacted |